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PI 8.01(2)(i) (i) Safe and healthful facilities. A long-range plan shall be developed, adopted, and recorded by the school board which defines the patterns and schedule for maintaining the district operated facilities at the level of the standards established for safe and healthful facilities. The school board shall comply with all regulations, state codes, and orders of the department of safety and professional services and the department of health services and all applicable local safety and health codes and regulations. The facilities shall be inspected at least annually for potential or demonstrated hazards to safety and health, and hazardous conditions shall be corrected, compensating devices installed or special arrangements made to provide for safe and healthful facilities. Maintenance procedures and custodial services shall be conducted in such a manner that the safety and health of persons using the facilities are protected. Responsibility for coordinating all activities related to the safety and health considerations of the facilities for the entire district shall be assigned to one individual.
PI 8.01(2)(j) (j) Health, physical education, art and music. The school district board shall provide instruction in health, physical education, art and music as follows:
PI 8.01(2)(j)1. 1. Health instruction shall be provided in accordance with a written comprehensive health education curriculum which includes the curricular areas defined in ss. 115.35 and 118.01 (2), Stats. A professional staff member shall be designated as coordinator of health education. Health education in grades kindergarten through 6 shall be under the direction of a licensed health teacher. In grades 7 through 12 health education shall be conducted by or under the direction of a licensed health teacher and shall include one structured course in health taught by a licensed health teacher.
PI 8.01(2)(j)2. 2. Physical education instruction shall be provided in accordance with a developmental, sequential, comprehensive physical education curriculum and program of instruction for all pupils. Instruction in grades kindergarten through 6 shall be provided at least 3 times weekly, except that days on which special activities are conducted may be exempt; and shall be conducted by or under the direction of a licensed physical education teacher. Pupils in grade 6 may be scheduled in accordance with the criteria for scheduling grades 7 through 12 if the pupils are attending a school that includes any of those grades. All pupils in grades 7 through 12 shall participate in the instructional program of physical education taught by a licensed physical education teacher, except that in senior high schools one year or the equivalent may be optional to pupils.
PI 8.01(2)(j)3. 3. Art instruction shall be provided in accordance with a written comprehensive art curriculum which is based upon concepts developed through sensory awareness, aesthetic discrimination and skill development in the creation of art and the knowledge of human art heritage. Art instruction shall be provided for all pupils in grades kindergarten through 6 and shall be performed by or under the direction of a licensed art teacher. Art instruction shall be available to all pupils in grades 7 through 12 and shall be taught by a licensed art teacher.
PI 8.01(2)(j)4. 4. Music instruction shall be provided in accordance with a written comprehensive music curriculum including developmental experiences involving singing, playing instruments, listening, movement, creative expression and music reading. Music instruction shall be provided for all pupils in grades kindergarten through 6 and shall be performed by or under the direction of a licensed music teacher. Music instruction including general music, vocal music and instrumental music shall be available to all pupils in grades 7 through 12 and shall be taught by a licensed music teacher.
PI 8.01(2)(k) (k) Curriculum plan.
PI 8.01(2)(k)1.1. In this paragraph:
PI 8.01(2)(k)1.a. a. “Computer literacy" means the ability to use computer programs to assist learning, handling information and problem solving, and the ability to make informed judgments concerning social and ethical issues involving computers and information systems.
PI 8.01(2)(k)1.b. b. “School district curriculum plan" means the composite of the sequential curriculum plans.
PI 8.01(2)(k)1.c. c. “Sequential curriculum plan" means an organized set of learning experiences that build upon previously acquired knowledge and skills.
PI 8.01(2)(k)2. 2. Each school district board shall develop, adopt and implement a written school district curriculum plan which includes the following:
PI 8.01(2)(k)2.a. a. A kindergarten through grade 12 sequential curriculum plan in each of the following subject areas: reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, health, computer literacy, environmental education, physical education, art and music.
PI 8.01(2)(k)2.b. b. A grade 7 through 12 sequential curriculum plan in vocational education.
PI 8.01(2)(k)3. 3. Each sequential curriculum plan shall specify objectives, course sequence, course content, resources, an objective process of determining whether pupils attain the specified objectives, and an allocation of instructional time by week, semester and school term. The school district board shall establish in the school district curriculum plan the allocation of instructional time, by week, semester and school term, among all subject areas.
PI 8.01(2)(k)4. 4. Each sequential curriculum plan shall include a program evaluation method which provides that components of the sequential curriculum plan shall be monitored continuously. The overall program evaluation method shall be reviewed at least once every 5 years and revised as appropriate to ensure that pupils meet the curriculum objectives.
PI 8.01(2)(k)5. 5. The school district curriculum plan shall be consistent with the approved education for employment program under ch. PI 26.
PI 8.01(2)(k)6. 6. The school district board shall develop sequential curriculum plans in at least 3 of the subject areas specified in subd. 2. by September 1, 1988; in at least 3 more of the subject areas specified in subd. 2. by September 1, 1989; and in all of the remaining subject areas specified in subd. 2. by September 1, 1990. The computer literacy and environmental education curriculum plans shall be developed as follows:
PI 8.01(2)(k)6.a. a. Computer literacy objectives and activities shall be integrated into the kindergarten through grade 12 sequential curriculum plans.
PI 8.01(2)(k)6.b. b. Environmental education objectives and activities shall be integrated into the kindergarten through grade 12 sequential curriculum plans, with the greatest emphasis in art, health, science and social studies education.
PI 8.01(2)(L) (L) Instruction. Each school district board shall provide instruction as follows:
PI 8.01(2)(L)1. 1. In grades kindergarten through 4, regular instruction shall be provided in reading, language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, health, physical education, art and music. In this subdivision, “regular instruction"means instruction each week for the entire school term in sufficient frequency and length to achieve the objectives and allocation of instructional time identified in the curriculum plans developed and adopted under par. (k).
PI 8.01(2)(L)2. 2. In grades kindergarten through 8, include instruction in the social studies curriculum in the history, culture and tribal sovereignty of the federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands located in the state in at least 2 grade levels and in at least one grade level in grades 9 through 12 beginning September 1, 1991.
PI 8.01(2)(L)3. 3. In grades 5 through 8, regular instruction shall be provided in reading, language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, physical education, health, art and music. In this subdivision, “regular instruction" means instruction each week for the entire school term in sufficient frequency and length to achieve the objectives and allocation of instructional time identified in the curriculum plans developed and adopted under par. (k), except that in middle level formats which offer or require a variety of exploratory experiences for pupils, such as foreign language, business education, vocational agriculture, technology education, home economics education and marketing education, regular instruction in health, art and general music may be provided as follows:
PI 8.01(2)(L)3.a. a. In grades 5 and 6, each week for the entire school term, or the equivalent in instructional time and course content, and in sufficient frequency and length to achieve the objectives and allocation of instructional time identified in the curriculum plan developed and adopted under par. (k).
PI 8.01(2)(L)3.b. b. In grades 7 and 8, in sufficient frequency and length to achieve the objectives and allocation of instructional time identified in the curriculum plans developed and adopted under par. (k).
PI 8.01(2)(L)4. 4. In grades 7 and 8, provide regular instruction in foreign language beginning in the 1994-95 school year. In this subdivision regular instruction in foreign language means access to instruction in sufficient frequency and length to achieve the objectives and time allocations of a written, sequential curriculum plan in foreign language. The foreign language curriculum shall follow the requirements of other curriculum documents required under par. (k).
PI 8.01(2)(L)5. 5. An introduction to career exploration and planning, through a one semester course or the equivalent in instructional time and course content, shall be integrated within grades 5 through 8.
PI 8.01(2)(L)6. 6. In grades 9 through 12, access shall be provided without charge for tuition, to an educational program which enables pupils each year to study English, social studies, mathematics, science, vocational education, foreign language, physical education, art and music. The school district board shall make all courses as widely available to all pupils as possible, however an individual pupil's scheduling conflict does not constitute denial of access to a course.
PI 8.01(2)(m) (m) Education for employment. Each school district board shall comply with s. 121.02 (1) (m), Stats., and ch. PI 26, relating to education for employment.
PI 8.01(2)(n) (n) Children at risk. Each school district board shall comply with s. 118.153, Stats., and ch. PI 25, relating to plans and programs for children at risk.
PI 8.01(2)(o) (o) Performance disclosure reports. Each school district board shall annually distribute the performance disclosure report under s. 115.38 (2), Stats. The school district board may include additional information in the report.
PI 8.01(2)(p) (p) High school graduation standards.
PI 8.01(2)(p)1.1. Each school district board shall comply with s. 118.33, Stats., and ch. PI 18, relating to high school graduation standards.
PI 8.01(2)(q) (q) Personnel evaluation.
PI 8.01(2)(q)1.1. Each school district board shall establish specific criteria and a systematic procedure to measure the performance of licensed school personnel. The written evaluation shall be based on a board adopted position description, including job related activities, and shall include observation of the individual's performance as part of the evaluation data. Evaluation of licensed school personnel shall occur during the first year of employment and at least every third year thereafter.
PI 8.01(2)(q)2. 2. The school district board shall ensure that evaluations, including those for purposes of discipline, job retention or promotion, shall be performed by persons who have the training, knowledge and skills necessary to evaluate professional school personnel. The school district board shall be responsible for the evaluation of the school district administrator under this subdivision.
PI 8.01(2)(r) (r) Third grade reading tests.
PI 8.01(2)(r)1.1. The department shall develop a standardized reading test for pupils in grade 3. The department shall annually provide the test to all school district boards and score and report the results. Each school district board shall annually administer the test to all pupils in the school district enrolled in grade 3. Standardized refers to test objectives and items, test related materials, test administration procedures, the testing schedule, and the scoring and reporting procedures and formats. The department shall provide guidelines to assist school districts in testing and excluding from testing pupils with special needs, including pupils with exceptional educational needs under subch. V of ch. 115, Stats., and pupils with limited English proficiency under subch. VII of ch. 115, Stats. Each school district shall develop and adopt a district policy related to the testing and exclusion from testing of pupils with exceptional educational needs under subch. V of ch. 115, Stats., and pupils with limited English proficiency under subch. VII of ch. 115, Stats.
PI 8.01(2)(r)2. 2. The department shall report each school district's test results, for the school district and for each school in the district, to the school district board.
PI 8.01(2)(r)3. 3. The department shall report aggregate statewide pupil achievement data to each school district for the purpose of local evaluation of school district test performance in relation to statewide performance.
PI 8.01(2)(r)4. 4. The department shall establish achievement performance standards and shall report the achievement level to each school district board in relation to the standards.
PI 8.01(2)(s) (s) Achievement tests.
PI 8.01(2)(s)1.a.a. Each school district board shall, beginning the 1993-94 school year, administer the examinations required by the state superintendent under s. 118.30, Stats.
PI 8.01(2)(s)1.b. b. The school district board may exempt a pupil enrolled in a special education program under subch. V of ch. 115, Stats., or a pupil with limited English proficiency under subch. VII of ch. 115, Stats., from taking a test under this subdivision, as specified under ch. PI 13.
PI 8.01(2)(s)2.a.a. The school district board may administer additional examinations only if they are aligned with the school district's curriculum and measure pupil achievement in relation to curriculum objectives identified under par. (k).
PI 8.01(2)(s)2.b. b. The department shall provide guidelines to assist school districts in testing and excluding from testing under subpar. a pupils with special needs, including pupils with exceptional educational needs under subch. V of ch. 115, Stats., and pupils with limited English proficiency under subch. VII of ch. 115, Stats.
PI 8.01(2)(s)3. 3. Each school district shall develop and adopt a district policy related to the testing and exclusion from testing of pupils with exceptional educational needs under subch. V of ch. 115, Stats., and pupils with limited English proficiency under subch. VII of ch. 115, Stats.
PI 8.01(2)(t) (t) Gifted and talented pupils.
PI 8.01(2)(t)1.1. In this paragraph:
PI 8.01(2)(t)1.a. a. “Appropriate program" means a systematic and continuous set of instructional activities or learning experiences which expand the development of the pupils identified as gifted or talented.
PI 8.01(2)(t)1.b. b. “Gifted and talented pupils" has the meaning set forth in s. 118.35 (1), Stats.
PI 8.01(2)(t)2. 2. Each school district board shall establish a plan and designate a person to coordinate the gifted and talented program. Gifted and talented pupils shall be identified as required in s. 118.35 (1), Stats. This identification shall occur in kindergarten through grade 12 in general intellectual, specific academic, leadership, creativity, and visual and performing arts. A pupil may be identified as gifted or talented in one or more of the categories under s. 118.35 (1), Stats. The identification process shall result in a pupil profile based on multiple measures, including but not limited to standardized test data, nominations, rating scales or inventories, products, portfolios, and demonstrated performance. Identification tools shall be appropriate for the specific purpose for which they are being employed. The identification process and tools shall be responsive to factors such as, but not limited to, pupils' economic conditions, race, gender, culture, native language, developmental differences, and identified disabilities as described under subch. V of ch. 115, Stats. The school district board shall provide access, without charge for tuition, to appropriate programming for pupils identified as gifted or talented as required under ss. 118.35 (3) and 121.02 (1) (t), Stats. The school district board shall provide an opportunity for parental participation in the identification and resultant programming.
PI 8.01 Note Note: A Gifted and Talented Resource Guide is available at
PI 8.01(2)(u) (u) Financial literacy. Each school district board shall comply with s. 121.02 (1) (L) 7., Stats., by adopting academic standards for financial literacy and incorporating instruction in financial literacy into the curriculum in grades kindergarten to 12.
PI 8.01(2)(v) (v) Instruction on the Holocaust and other genocides. Each school district board shall comply with s. 121.02 (1) (L) 8. b., Stats., by including, as a part of the social studies curriculum, instruction on the Holocaust and other genocides at least once in grades 5 to 8 and at least once in grades 9 to 12.
PI 8.01(3) (3)Alternative compliance.
PI 8.01(3)(a) (a) A school district board may request that the state superintendent approve a plan for alternative compliance with any of the school district standards under sub. (2). A school district requesting approval of alternative compliance under this subsection shall submit a written request to the state superintendent by September 1, if the alternative compliance plan is to be implemented during the spring semester; by March 1, if the alternative compliance plan is to be implemented during the fall semester. The request shall include all of the following information, as appropriate:
PI 8.01(3)(a)1. 1. The school district standard addressed by the alternative compliance plan.
PI 8.01(3)(a)2. 2. The means by which the alternative compliance plan addresses the objectives of the school district standard including all of the following information:
PI 8.01(3)(a)2.a. a. The program objectives and anticipated outcomes of the alternative compliance plan.
PI 8.01(3)(a)2.b. b. The rationale and research or other information supporting the alternative compliance plan.
PI 8.01(3)(a)2.c. c. The staffing patterns which may be affected by the alternative compliance plan.
PI 8.01(3)(a)2.d. d. The number of students by grade level to be affected by the alternative compliance plan.
PI 8.01(3)(a)2.e. e. Any needed staff development to support the alternative compliance plan.
PI 8.01(3)(a)2.f. f. Timelines for implementation of the alternative compliance plan.
PI 8.01(3)(a)2.g. g. A description of how the alternative compliance will be evaluated, including a description of how progress toward meeting program objectives and anticipated outcomes identified under subd. 2. a. will be monitored and measured at regular intervals and at the conclusion of the year for which the plan is approved.
PI 8.01(3)(b)1.1. The state superintendent may approve a school district board's plan for alternative compliance with a school district standard, if he or she determines the alternative compliance plan will meet the objectives of the school district standard, maintains educational equity and will result in any of the following:
PI 8.01(3)(b)1.a. a. Improved efficiency in school administration or instruction.
PI 8.01(3)(b)1.b. b. Innovation in school district management or instruction, including but not limited to, progress towards outcome-based instruction and assessment; enhancement of educational opportunities; enhancement of education professions; and flexibility in staffing, programming and scheduling.
PI 8.01(3)(b)1.c. c. Other educational improvements.
PI 8.01(3)(b)2. 2. The plan approval under subd. 1. may be subject to conditions specified by the state superintendent.
PI 8.01(3)(b)3. 3. The state superintendent shall provide for the review of the requests for alternative compliance plans made under par. (a) and shall notify the school district board of his or her decision within 60 days from the date the request is received. The decision shall be in writing and shall include the reasons for the decision.
PI 8.01(3)(b)4. 4. The state superintendent may either hold a public hearing or request that the school district board hold a public hearing on the alternative compliance being proposed.
PI 8.01(3)(c)1.1. An initial alternative compliance plan may be approved for a 2 year period.
PI 8.01(3)(c)2. 2. An alternative compliance plan may be renewed every 3 years after the initial plan approval only if an evaluation of the alternative compliance plan is provided by the school district board and is approved by the state superintendent.
PI 8.01(3)(c)3. 3. The evaluation shall include the information specified in par. (a) 2. g. and is subject to the same timelines specified under par. (a).
PI 8.01(4) (4)Waiver from school hours.
PI 8.01(4)(a) (a) In this subsection, “school closure" means the closure of one or more schools under s. 115.01 (10) (b) and (c), Stats.
PI 8.01(4)(b) (b) A school district board may request a waiver from the requirements under this chapter, with some exceptions, as specified under s. 118.38, Stats. A school district board requesting a waiver from the requirement to schedule and hold at least the number of hours of direct pupil instruction specified under sub. (2) (f) and s. 121.02 (1) (f), Stats., shall submit all of the following information to the department:
PI 8.01(4)(b)1. 1. A letter from the district administrator or school board president requesting a waiver from the hours of direct pupil instruction requirement under sub. (2) (f) and s. 121.02 (1) (f), Stats., and specifying the reason or reasons for requesting the waiver.
PI 8.01(4)(b)2. 2. A record of the public hearing held under s. 118.38 (1) (b), Stats., indicating the response from the community to the waiver request.
PI 8.01(4)(b)3. 3. A copy of the order to close the school under s. 115.01 (10) (b) or (c), Stats., if applicable. If the order is submitted under s. 115.01 (10) (c), Stats., a copy of the board minutes indicating approval of the request for a waiver.
PI 8.01(4)(b)4. 4. The number of hours requested to be waived.
PI 8.01(4)(b)5. 5. The dates the school or schools were closed.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.